Garrison Graduates

Garrison Union Free School District

A site for alumni, current and former faculty, staff, and Board members, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the School House.



Has Anyone Heard from Bill Elmore? 2 Replies

Just wondering if anyone has heard from Bill Elmore.  I know he has been very successful with his career, but was wondering if he finds time to correspond with anyone.  I did have a chance to talk to…Continue

Started by Patti Powers Zaldivar in Garrison Friends. Last reply by Deborah Ann Gomes Mar 17, 2014.

Jim Lovell 2 Replies

We Morrill's were all so sad to hear about Jim Lovell. I hadn't seen him in something like 40 years but once a long time ago we all knew the Lovells and went on a marvelous boat ride or two... Takes…Continue

Started by Charles Morrill in Garrison Friends. Last reply by Buzz Cooke Dec 5, 2013.

1956 Class list 2 Replies

I'm looking for a list of names of the class of 1956 and a class photo.If anyone has this information please e-mail me at jamesswaldron@Hotmail.comThank you for any help.Jim WaldronContinue

Started by James Sherman Waldron in Garrison Friends. Last reply by James Sherman Waldron Dec 2, 2013.

Latest Activity

Chugg Change updated their profile
May 13, 2023
Joe Spinelli updated their profile
Jun 8, 2022
Derrick Johnson and Johnny Meany are now friends
Mar 20, 2022
"Barbara, I received the same comment - word for word. I don't recognize this name, but find this message strange. Just thought you should know. Thanks, Caitlin"
Mar 20, 2022
"I emailed you but am not sure what you want."
Mar 20, 2022
Paul Anderson joined Clare Burke Blackmon's group
Sep 23, 2020
Paul Anderson is now a member of Garrison Graduates
Sep 23, 2020
CAITLIN SUZANA MCCULLOUGH is now a member of Garrison Graduates
May 21, 2020
Joseph Hard is now a member of Garrison Graduates
Oct 8, 2019
Kathleen Day is now a member of Garrison Graduates
Aug 24, 2019
Rick Jahn updated their profile
Aug 10, 2019
Tom Nill updated their profile
Jul 26, 2019
Welcome. In September, 2008, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the Garrison School House, September 26, 1908. We enjoyed Garrison's first ever alumni reunion, which joined together graduates from around the country and of all ages. We welcomed graduates and the community to a day of school events, including a reenactment of the cornerstone ceremony, music, dancing, and great food. Graduates were drawn to exhibits and displays of historic photographs, school floor plans from 1908 through the 2002 addition, and memorabilia such as old yearbooks, diplomas, play programs, and Garrison letter "Gs" for athletes. Some of our alumni collaborated on creating large board of local, state, national, and international events from 1908. These all remain on display and you are welcome to visit the school during the day to enjoy them.

This web site began in April 2008 as a way to connect alumni and to encourage whoever could to attend the "Cornerstone" weekend. That weekend is over but this Web site continues on, growing bigger every day. Thanks for being a part of it; the site is sustained by the web of affectionate connections across miles and years that we all create, and nourished by our thoughts and connections. Keep posting, and more events will be planned before we know it.



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Blog Posts


All you Monopology fans can now enjoy the classic game in the neighborhoods and byways of Garrison and Cold Spring, when you play Philipstownopoly. Build on familiar streets and buy local landmarks as you revisit the scenes of your childhood.

This handsomely produced local version of the classic board game is being sold as a fundraiser for the Garrison PTA. Local antiquarian David Lilburne assisted in illustrating the game with rare collectible postcards. Your whole family will enjoy…


Posted by Anita Prentice on January 8, 2013 at 7:01am

Garrison is a Blue Ribbon School

In the fall of 2010, Garrison was named a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. Garrison was nominated by New York State and then completed a rigorous application. Here is part of the press release about the celebration of the award. Please visit the Garrison School Web site to learn more. 


Garrison, NY – November 19, 2010 – On Friday,…


Posted by Anita Prentice on January 9, 2011 at 11:31am

Call for a Neighbor in Need

Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery CSD, the school district that is home to one of our two receiving high schools, O'Neill, has been badly hit by the financial problems in New York State. Their finances have always been uniquely challenging because of their reliance on annually budgeted Federal "impact aid"; this article… Continue

Posted by Anita Prentice on August 29, 2009 at 4:16pm

Treasure Trove

Unexpectedly, some lovely mementos have come in to enhance our knowledge of Garrison School's history. Barbara Brogan emailed photographs of her mother, Helen Deering, taken in 1921 and 1922, along with a composite photograph of Helen and other students. A special prize is the graduation program from 1922, listing some students' names as well as the principal and two teachers. There were eight classes, and seven children graduated, so the student body might have been in the 50-60 student range.… Continue

Posted by Anita Prentice on June 6, 2009 at 9:16pm


Garrison School Events: All Invited



Created by Anita Prentice Apr 26, 2009 at 2:06pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice Apr 26, 2009.

Other Weekend Events

There are two other events going on on our celebration weekend that might interest you. First, on Saturday morning, September 27, Cold Spring is having a Harvest Festival, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, with craft vendors all up and down Main Street. Since our events at Garrison School don't begin until 1 p.m., you can stop by Cold Spring if you are looking for something to do that morning. … Continue

Created by Anita Prentice Aug 10, 2008 at 7:27am. Last updated by Anita Prentice Aug 10, 2008.


Invitations will be in the mail in a few weeks for the Friday night cocktail buffet and the celebration events on Saturday. There is a charge for the Friday night dinner and it is for graduates 21 and older. Events on Saturday are free and open to all, including a cookout-style supper and square dance. If you would like a proper invitation, please email your address to Betty Lou Clune at Or, you can download and print… Continue

Created by Anita Prentice Jul 29, 2008 at 6:22pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice Jul 29, 2008.


We thought you might be interested in places to stay in the Garrison area if you are planning to attend the festivities here in Garrison on Friday evening and Saturday, September 26 and 27. We have not booked a block of rooms, like people do for weddings, but there should be good availability at that time of year. There is no home football game at West Point that Saturday.… Continue

Created by Anita Prentice Jun 16, 2008 at 10:28pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice Jun 16, 2008.


This networking site allows individual members to create groups. the idea is that each Class can have their own Group, so that as more and more people join, they can easily look to see who has already set up a page here from their class.

As the…

Created by Anita Prentice May 20, 2008 at 11:00pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice May 20, 2008.

Created by Anita Prentice Apr 25, 2008 at 2:59pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice May 8, 2008.

A Pattern of History

I'm not sure how this "Notes" feature works out so thought I'd give it a try. I noticed something today when Lisa Rathjen Light signed up: her class year. Lisa is a graduate of the Class of 1979. We also have signed up so far John Benjamin of the Class of 1959 and Kevin Corkrum of the Class of 1999. And, although he is not on this Website, our committee member and we think oldest graduate (so far), Don MacDonald, is a member of the Class… Continue

Created by Anita Prentice May 8, 2008 at 6:08pm. Last updated by Anita Prentice May 8, 2008.


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